Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 20

Dating 101
Chantelle went to the streets of Melbourne and asked for some dating advice. The responses were many and varied. One person questioned how a date is different from just hanging out with a person you really like? - Good stuff to ponder.
I tried googling for some dating tips, and one of our listeners suggested I try WikiHow.com for more tips and ideas.

Public Transport Etiquette
What annoys you about catching the train or tram? Sarah hates it when people don't wait for people to get out of the tram before letting the new people on.
Linda texted in to say she never touches the poles or handles on the tram.

Where did you goto schoolies? I went to a friend's beach house, and Sarah celebrated by securing a full time job. Did you have a great road-trip? or another adventure?

Gay School News
National Youth Week for 2010 is happening between April 10-18. Applications are now open for events, if you want to organise a youth week event, or get involved, find out more about the application process here.

EDG (Eastern Diversity Group) is having a BBQ on the 25th of November. It's for youth aged 15-25, and marks the start of a 4 week workshop, exploring issues for Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Intersex, Transgender, or Questioning youth. Music and food are provided. Contact Stavrina, Emily, or Fiona on 98902673 for more info.

Stay cool until next week!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13

What irks you about public transport?
Micah had a false-start while catching the tram, and needed to vent. After hailing down the tram, it wooshed past, without stopping! Have you had a similar experience? Need to vent about public transport?

Gay School
Same-sex attracted and transgendered youth in rural victoria will soon enjoy a targeted health awareness program. The program is called “Mind the Gap”, and hopes to close the gap between country gays and their city counterparts in areas such as awareness of STI’s, HIV, mental health, and general wellbeing.
“Mind the Gap” have already started work in Gippsland, running leadership retreats for GLBTI youth aged 18 – 28. Mind the Gap also plan to set up a social networking website to promote support networks among isolated GLBTI youth.
More info in this week's southern star.

Beyond Blue's GLBTI youth fact sheet is out now, with great tips and advice for youth experiencing depression or anxiety. Download a copy here.

Kaleidoscope GSA
Bart from Kaleidoscope Gay Straight Alliance called us to chat about their new website and online resources. Check out the website here.
Kaleidoscope GSA meets every 2 weeks, and is for youth aged 16-21.

Upcoming events
Meet and chat with the GLLO team from Vic Police. Help Minus 18 create a safety brochure. More details.

Battle of the bands regional final. Friday November 6th. Feat: Blow, Vixia, The lost boys, and more! $10 entry, more details: youth_services@bayside.vic.gov.au